Ecosustainable commitment “Love the Planet”

The Soul

Our self-sufficient energy project has its raison d’être in our efforts to stimulate energy-saving and the reuse of resources to promote Eco-sustainable and Responsible Tourism, as well as contributing to preserving the health of the planet. Our eco-sustainable project results in savings and health for ourselves and for our environment. Sustainable rural tourism is the only viable form of tourism in the long term, both in ecological and economic terms. Our aim is to stimulate responsible tourism to protect the local natural resources and biodiversity. Our challenge is to stimulate Sustainable, Quality Tourism.

At Masia Spa Can Pascol the installation of a set of solar panels generates hot running water and heats the heated pool of the Spa in the spring and summer. In the cooler months, the water is heated with biomass, and biomass is also responsible for heating all the radiators in the house.

The heart

Masia Spa Can Pascol is a smart house that works with 100% Green Renewable Energy. The Biomass Boiler is “the heart of the house” which keeps the temperature at 22 degrees during the cold months, it heats all the radiators by burning pellets so that it is always kept on both floors at a maximum of 22 degrees (for the ‘energy saving). During the cold months, Biomass is also responsible for always keeping the water in the Spa’s heated pool at 34 degrees, as well as heating the sanitary water in the house throughout the year. The water in the Spa’s heated pool during the spring and summer stays at around 30-32 degrees thanks to a team of Solar Thermal Plates installed on the roof of the Masia, in this way we can save pellets during the warmer months. The house is fully insulated to maintain a good temperature both in winter and summer and to save energy. In the restoration of the Masia, all the original elements of the old construction were respected, such as the thick walls of stone, very good insulators of cold and heat. Energy saving is of no use without good insulation. Likewise, new elements were incorporated in the construction with sustainability and energy saving in mind, such as the roof and interior wooden walls, the wooden floor that gives warmth to the whole home, and all the double-glazed windows in the house and air chamber with ecological aluminum carpentry. The entire roof was insulated, again reusing all the old handmade clay tiles.

The nervous system

Solar Energy is “the nervous system of the house”. At Masia Spa Can Pascol we do Self-Consumption, we have 28 Solar Panels of 320w each that provide us with 8,960w, the electricity needed to not have to use grid energy throughout the day, saving more than 60% of daily consumption. The contract signed with our current electra supplier Hola Luz allows us to pour back into the grid all the surplus green energy we produce during the day, so that the night hours are more profitable for us. The Catalan company Hola Luz only pours green energy into the grid, with which there is no need to spend a lot on solar panels to contribute to preserving the health of our Planet, by contracting the light service with sustainable electricity companies you can also contribute to giving give the Planet a better future by stopping emitting CO2 into the atmosphere. To make the most of natural light, a bull’s eye with solar tubes was installed on the top floor that collects the maximum amount of light and brightness throughout the day, as well as the lantern window in the bathroom on the first floor or the large arched window in the kitchen facing south, which help gain natural light and save electricity. Also, the large skylight in the ceiling of the Spa is a resource to take advantage of the maximum solar radiation, making this room a cheerful and very bright space. In the bedrooms with lots of light and well ventilated, we use cotton or thread clothing, and the curtains are translucent to be able to wake up with sunlight, which is very beneficial for health.

The brain

Domotica is “the brain of the house” that allows us to manage renewable energies intelligently and efficiently from the mobile phone, with the computerized installation all the electrical devices and their consumption are regulated, to make the most of the energy and get the most out of it, saving 30% of resources.

At Masia Spa Can Pascol we are doing it little by little, we started with the Spa and digitized the whole house.

Equipping a house with a brain used to be very expensive, but today it is possible with a good Wifi and a small investment that will bring you big benefits.

The water

Water is one of the most valued resources on our planet, without it we would not be able to live, that is why at Masia Spa Can Pascol we take care of it and reuse the rainwater, it is collected in canals on the terrace and rerouted to the well, it is used to irrigate the entire garden and the area of ​​olive trees with a drip system, all the plants and trees in our garden are indigenous and rain-fed. Rainwater is also used to refill the outdoor pool when needed. Both potable well water and running water are decalcified so that they arrive with less heavy materials. Water recirculation switches have been introduced in the Spa and bathroom, to save water being wasted waiting for it to come out hot, and flow reducers have been installed on all water taps. the house as well as in the showers. The water collected by the dehumidifier in the Spa room is also recovered, filtered and reused in the heated pool, the indoor plants in the Spa form a small microclimate that also helps to collect moisture from the environment and ensure an optimal indoor air quality given the purifying effect of the vegetation.

The 2 swimming pools, both the heated one in the Spa and the outdoor one in summer, work with salt water electrolysis, which means that the dose of chlorine needed to maintain the water is minimal. Chlorine is a chemical product that is very harmful to nature.

Small big actions

There are many small details that can be introduced little by little in homes for economic savings, contributing day by day to make a better Planet: install flow reducers in taps, use low consumption LEDs, household appliances of low consumption class A, WC cisterns with double push-button, automatic light switch-off installations, Masia Can Pascol has them in the jacuzzi and Scottish jet switches in the heated Spa pool, also for the lighting of outside, they are very practical bulbs for those who have a garden or terrace, they all turn on by themselves when it gets dark and turn off when it’s daylight.

In the Masia there are ceiling fans in both the dining room and the bedrooms to circulate the air in the summer. We don’t have air conditioning since every kilowatt hour of energy it consumes means the emission of more than 400 gr of CO2 into the atmosphere. A temperature difference with the outside of more than 12 degrees is not healthy.

The materials used in the house, stone and wood, as well as the quality furniture, have been designed to have a long life, since the longer the materials and objects last, the better for the environment. In the home, the use of cloth tablecloths and napkins is encouraged as well as the use of glass, the use of plastic being prohibited, by consuming responsibly we will contribute to preserving the health of our planet. The reduction of consumption and the resources used is necessary so that the collapse of the planet does not occur.

Masia Spa Can Pascol trash recycling is mandatory, and non-toxic ecological products are used for cleaning the home and garden care, it is also composted from all the organic vegetable trash from the garden to obtain fertilizer for the plants.

We have a Catering Service, for when our customers don’t feel like cooking, with organic and/or Km.0 products, we use local and regional products and wines and cavas with D.O Penedès, making synergies with local organic traders. Meals are cooked at Masia Spa Can Pascol and served at the table in the rural house at the desired time. Responsible and Proximity Consumption improves the living conditions of human beings, animals and the environment through ethical consumption, together we can turn globalization towards a more sustainable local economy.


In 2015 at Masia Spa Can Pascol we were awarded the “TURALCAT Copper Diploma for SUSTAINABLE RURAL ACCOMMODATIONS” for the implementation of ECOLABELS. European Union Ecological Label in recognition of the effort to contribute to the conservation of our planet The Diploma was given to us by Tomàs Molina, also awarded for his program “Terra de TV3”.

We have been a member of the European BIOSPHERE TOURISM Seal since 2018, and in November 2020 we were approved for the Biosphere Certificate for Responsible and Sustainable Tourism: we are now a “BIOSPHERE CERTIFIED” accommodation.

This year 2020 we have also been awarded the Ecotourism Award from the Catalan Tourism Agency of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

In May 2019 we were awarded the “Award for the Best Sustainable Rural House in Catalonia” in THE III TURALCAT SUSTAINABLE RURAL TOURISM AWARDS, for our efforts in investing in renewable energy and for bringing our customers to our sustainable message of good practice.

At Masia Spa Can Pascol we are very satisfied with all the work done so far, but our sustainable project is not yet finished, our challenge is total self-consumption and being able to reach many more travelers with our sustainable message.

While the Seals help us certify our ecological commitment and reach our customers more quickly, they also keep us in constant motion of improvement so that the “soul of the house” that is our Sustainable Project “Love the Planet” is maintained always up to date with good judgement.

100% sustainable activities for clients staying in the rural house

(Ask us for information)

To all of you who are interested in sustainability, we explain our path to self-consumption on site, all you have to do is contact us by phone or email and we will find a time to show you the facilities and answer your questions , to travelers, visitors, students and schools. Our challenge is to promote a sustainable way of life and responsible tourism to protect local natural resources and the biodiversity of our planet. We want to make our sustainable message of good practices reach everyone, customers and friends who are interested. Together we must contribute to Conserving the Health of our Planet now that we still have time.

BREAKFAST BY SPOON (In the garden of Masia Spa Can Pascol):
Assorted sausages and cheeses from Km.0
Pontons sausage with dried fish and garlic oil.
Peasant bread with tomato.
Organic red wine DO Penedès Albet i Noya and Hydrogenated Water.
Coffee or tea
OAK PLANTATION (Bosc de Pontons):
Replanting oaks and tools necessary for the task.
Transfer to the planting site designated by the City Council with a gardener guide who will explain the eco-environmental benefits of planting a tree.
Certificate from the City Council of Vila del plantell.

We encourage our mushroom picking customers who visit us in the autumn to go out around Masia Spa Can Pascol to pick mushrooms, and in passing to clean the plastic forest.
We explain the Mushrooms that you can find around us and how we like to cook them. We just need the rains to accompany us, otherwise this ecological exercise can also be done while practicing hiking, and at any time of the year. Pontons is full of trails and paths between vineyards!!