Legal advice

Registration number of rural tourism establishment in the generality of Catalonia is: PB-000612

We have a complaints book.

Masia Can Pascol is not responsible for information not prepared by this entity or published without its permission. Nor is it responsible for the information contained in third-party web pages connected directly or indirectly through links to the pages of Masia Can Pascol. The presence of links on the web pages of Masia Can Pascol is for informational purposes only and does not in any case imply a suggestion, invitation or recommendation of these links.

Masia Can Pascol declines any responsibility arising from the misuse of the contents of its pages and reserves the right to update them, eliminate them, limit or prevent access when it deems it appropriate.

Masia Can Pascol is not responsible for possible security errors that could be caused by using computers infected with computer viruses. It is also not responsible for errors caused by the use of browsers with non-updated versions.

It is not permitted, in accordance with current legislation, to copy, reproduce, distribute, market or any other activity that can be done with the information on these web pages, without the prior authorization of Masia Can Pascol.

Information from the person responsible for the website

  • Owner: Silvia Viñarta Cusi
  • Fiscal ID: 37747080D
  • Corporate address: C/ Masia Can Pascol, 28 – 08738 Pontons (Barcelona)
  • E-mail:

Data Protection Law (LOPD)

In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the protection of personal data, we inform you that, by filling in any form on this website, your personal data will be incorporated and will be processed in the files of Masia Can Pascol, in order to inform and attend to their demands while protecting them from third parties who do not enjoy their express consent. However, we inform you of the possibility of exercising the right of access, rectification or cancellation of your personal data by sending an email to or by writing to Masia Can Pascol, C/ Masia Can Pascol, 28 – 08738 Pontons (Barcelona), clearly indicating in the subject: protection of LOPD rights.

The Masia Can Pascol page asks its users for personal data: name, surname, address, etc., in order to carry out the processing requested by the user, complying with the security and confidentiality conditions required by the legislation in force in each case.

These data are integrated into the corresponding computerized files of Masia Can Pascol, in accordance with the legislation or regulations in force in each case.

Masia Can Pascol guarantees confidentiality in the treatment of personal data that is collected, as well as the implementation of technical and organizational measures that guarantee the security of this data.

Data Privacy Policy

1.- Who is responsible for the processing of your data?

Identity: Masia Spa Can Pascol
Postal address: Masia Can Pascol, 28 Pontons-80738 (Alt Penedès – Barcelona)
Telephone: 938987810 – 618316394
Email address: /

2.- For what purpose do we process personal data?

The information provided by interested persons, that is to say, those who, at some point and through various means, have been interested in our establishment (news, activities, gifts or promotions), either by post or by email .

We use the information provided by our customers for the following purposes:

F1 Contractual purpose. We process the personal data of our customers that are necessary for the formalization of the contract for the provision of the tourist accommodation service.
F2 Legal purpose. Your personal data is also processed under the provisions of the sector regulations, in particular:
the tax regulations
commercial regulations
the public safety regulations (obligation to register in accommodation establishments)

3.- How long will we keep personal data?

The personal data provided will be kept for the periods indicated below:

We keep the data that have a contractual and legal purpose (tax and commercial) for a period of 5 years.
We keep the data and documentation necessary to comply with public safety regulations for a period of 4 years.

4.- What is the legitimacy for the processing of personal data?

Regarding the contractual purpose, the legal basis for the processing of the data is the execution of the contract for the provision of the tourist accommodation service (including pre-contractual management), in compliance with the legal regime established by decree 159/2012, of November 20, of tourist accommodation establishments and houses for tourist use.
Regarding the legal purpose, the legal basis for the processing of your data is as follows:
– the tax regulations (general, invoicing and each tax)
commercial regulations.
– the citizen security regulations: Order IRP/418/2010, of August 5, on the obligation of registration and communication to the General Directorate of the Police of people who stay in accommodation establishments located in Catalonia.